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Structural Glass Point Fixed Systems

Structural glass point fixed solutions offer a wide range of design options, allowing architects and designers to create unique and visually stunning building facades. Some design options for these systems include: 

Glass type

Structural glass point fixed solutions can incorporate a variety of glass types, such as clear, tinted, low-e, and reflective glass. Different glass types can provide varying levels of solar control, thermal performance, and aesthetic appeal. 

Panel shape and size

The glass panels used in structural glass point fixed solutions can be customized to create different shapes and sizes, allowing for unique design opportunities. Curved or angled panels can add visual interest to the building facade. 

Point fixing details

The point fixing details, such as the size and shape of the stainless steel bolts or clamps, can be customized to create different visual effects. Some designers opt for large and bold point fixings to create a dramatic effect, while others prefer more subtle fixings that blend into the background. 

Overall, the design options for structural glass point fixed solutions are extensive, allowing architects and designers to create unique, functional, and aesthetically pleasing building facades.