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Some common design options for rainscreen cladding systems include: 

Cladding panel materials

Rainscreen cladding panels can be made from a variety of materials, including metal, stone, glass, terracotta, and composite materials. Each material offers different aesthetic and functional benefits and can be chosen based on factors such as durability, cost, and environmental impact. 

Panel sizes and shapes

Rainscreen cladding panels can be customized in terms of size and shape to suit the specific design requirements of the project. Panels can be designed to be flat, curved, or angled, and can be cut to a variety of sizes and dimensions. 

Panel colours and finishes

Rainscreen cladding panels can be finished with a variety of colors and textures to achieve the desired aesthetic effect. Finishes can range from smooth and glossy to rough and textured and can be chosen to complement the surrounding architecture and environment. 

Cavity depth

The depth of the cavity or air gap in a rainscreen cladding system can be customized based on factors such as the climate and environmental conditions, as well as the desired level of thermal insulation and moisture management. 

Fastening methods

Rainscreen cladding panels can be attached to the support structure using a variety of fastening methods, including mechanical fixings, adhesives, or interlocking systems. The choice of fastening method will depend on factors such as the weight of the panels, the material of the support structure, and the desired level of accessibility for maintenance and repair.