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Brie Soleil-Advantages

Solar Control

One of the primary advantages of aluminium brise soleil is its ability to provide effective solar control. By blocking direct sunlight and reducing glare, brise soleil helps regulate the amount of heat and light entering the building. This results in improved thermal comfort and reduced reliance on artificial cooling systems, leading to energy savings. 


While aluminium brise soleil blocks direct sunlight, it still allows diffused natural light to enter the building. This promotes daylighting, which has numerous benefits such as enhancing occupants’ well-being, reducing reliance on artificial lighting during the day, and creating a more visually pleasing indoor environment. 

Energy Efficiency

By controlling solar heat gain and reducing the need for artificial cooling, aluminium brise soleil contributes to overall energy efficiency in buildings. It helps lower cooling loads, thereby reducing energy consumption and utility costs. Additionally, by optimizing natural light penetration, it reduces the demand for electric lighting, further saving energy. 

Thermal Comfort

The shading provided by aluminium brise soleil helps prevent overheating of interior spaces caused by direct sunlight. This improves thermal comfort for occupants, particularly in areas with high solar exposure. By maintaining more stable indoor temperatures, it reduces the need for excessive cooling and promotes a comfortable environment. 

Glare Reduction

Glare from direct sunlight can be a significant issue, particularly in spaces with extensive windows. Aluminium brise soleil effectively reduces glare, making it more comfortable for occupants to work, study, or relax without the need for heavy reliance on window treatments or blinds. 

Architectural Aesthetics

Aluminium brise soleil adds a visually appealing architectural element to the building’s exterior. It can be designed to complement the overall design style and façade, enhancing the building’s aesthetics and making it stand out. The availability of various colors, finishes, and profiles allows for customization and creative expression. 

Privacy and Security

In addition to solar control benefits, aluminium brise soleil can offer privacy and security advantages.